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Skinny Singles Tournament - Sign up is now open

Skinny Singles Tournament

Saturday, October 23rd at 8:30am

This is a gender-neutral tournament and you will sign up as an individual.  Entry fee is $7.50 and brackets will be determined by Tournament Director based on number / skill level. The registration form is located under "Documents" then EVENTS.

What is Skinny Singles You Ask?

A Pickleball game played using only half of the court in a one-on-one game.  Skinny singles is a great way to work on your skills.  Working in a much smaller area helps you hone your skills and get lots of repetitions in. 

  • Skinny singles is played and scored like regular singles except you can only hit the ball across the net into your opponent's half of the court (which half depends on the score). 
  • Scoring is the same as normal singles pickleball. 
  • Any ball that lands outside of the "skinny" court is considered out. 
  • Playing skinny singles will make your game stronger, so come on out and give it a try.

Prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place in each division.


Still not sure what Skinny Singles is?   Skinny Singles Exhibition Game on Court 1 Wednesday Oct 6 at 11:00am Come on out and see for yourself. 

Please place the attached registration form and $7.50 in the Pickleball Club Mailbox.  Deadline for registration is Monday, October 18th at 5:00pm.