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IMPORTANT - Voice your opinion on new court usage

Hi members,

As we near the completion of the 8 new pickleball courts (fingers crossed), important decisions will need to be made on court usage of all courts. Leadership’s plan is to allow any member of the club to email Leadership with any recommendation/comment that they may have. A committee of your peers, representing different skill levels, is being formed to review these recommendations and provide their own opinions. The committee will then prepare their report to submit to Leadership for final approval. Some items that this committee will consider are:

  • Will open play move to the new courts? Consider the lack of shade on the new courts in the summer.
  • How will the courts be divided based on skill level during open play?
  • The possible introduction of challenge court(s).
  • The possible introduction of courts not used for open play. In other words, members would be able to bring their own foursome without being interrupted.
  • Assignment of courts for SCA residents that are not pickleball club members. 
  • Assignment of courts for meet-up play, fun leagues, and tournaments.

This is the time be heard so if you wish to comment, please send an email to Leadership at by September 26. Thank you in advance.