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SCA Pickleball Club Membership

Below is a copy of the Pickleball membership application for new players or renewals. You can type in your information directly on the form and then print it or you can print the blank form it and handwrite it.

The completed application, along with payment, must be dropped off in the pickleball mailbox at Liberty Center. Please note that club membership runs from Jan-Dec so all memberships received between Jan 1 and Sep 30 will expire on Dec 31, 2024. Memberships received after Oct 1 will expire on Dec 31 of the following year.

Spring Fun Leage - Registration

Update 1/25/25 - We are just over halfway full.

Spring is near and that means the start of the Spring Fun League! This year's event will be played on Mondays at 10:30am from Feb. 24 - Mar. 31. And since we will have the new courts available to us (knock on wood), we will all play together on the same day. 

Players that sign up will be grouped in teams, compete against other teams for 5 weeks and the playoffs will take place on the final week. The exact format and number of teams will depend on how many players sign up, but our goal is to have teams consist of advanced, high intermediate and low intermediate players. Matches would still be played between similarly skilled players (ex: advanced players would not play against low-intermediate players). 

In order to register, please print the registration form listed below and drop off the completed form, along with payment of $15, in the pickleball club mailbox inside Liberty Center.  PLEASE do not register online. Space is limited to the first 64 players that sign up so if you plan to play, please make sure that you register ASAP. Spots will fill up quickly.

We also need several subs for the league to fill in when team players are unable to play so if you're available to help us out, please check off the last line in the registration form and drop off in our mailbox (no fee).

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

PickleBlast January 14th, 2025

Coming Soon!!

*Fun League Registration will open this week! Stay tuned for announcements.

*Fundamentals Classes begin Next Monday January 20th-24th 10:30-12:00 (meet under the canopy)

*Club General Meeting: Monday January 27th, 5pm at Independence Center  *Food will be served

-Do you need to renew your membership?  Please visit our website to join for 2025! Only $15 

-Do your New Year's Resolutions include taking your pickleball game to the next level? If you'd like to take private or group lessons, feel free to contact one of our SCA pros!   

Mario Najera (702) 675-2957    Guy Anderson (702) 269-4479

See you on the courts!!


PickleBlast January 7, 2025

Good morning Members,

Your new Leadership Team had its first meeting yesterday and we're ready to roll!!

The 2025 calendar is already filling up with lots of tournaments and events for our club. We hope you'll take advantage of what we have to offer. We're looking forward to a great year!!

Here's a sneak peek!! Fun Leagues, Men & Women's tournaments, Charity events, DUPR nights, Mixed Doubles tournament, Fundamentals Clinics, Beginner's classes, Dinkathon, Evening social gatherings.....

Please check the calendar on the website as well as the case, (outside courts 1-4) for information on upcoming events.

Coming Soon:

Fundamentals Clinic- January 20-24, 10:30-12:00   *Registration is optional but not required. Click on the class you'd like to attend on the calendar.  See you there!

Club General Meeting- Monday January 27th at 5:00 at Independence Center. Food will be provided*

Spring Fun League (Team Format)- Mondays beginning February 24-March 31st. *Details to follow soon!

*Meetups continue at 1:45 until further notice.  Cyndy Crossman is our new Meetup Liaison. Please contact her with any questions at  

Monday- Women's Only    

Tuesday- Mixed Doubles

Wednesday- Beginners

Thursday- Men Only

Friday- Mixed Doubles

See you on the courts!!



Leadership Meeting Jan. 6

The first Leadership Team meeting of 2025 will take place on January 6 at 9am at Liberty Center. Any member wishing to attend is welcomed. For those of you that like to plan ahead, the first General Meeting of the year is scheduled for January 27 from 5-9pm at Independence Center (food will be provided). 

Below see the agenda for the Jan. 6 meeting:

Monday, January 6, 2025, 9:00am
Liberty Center 

  1. Establish quorum
  2. Approve minutes from prior meeting (12/5/24)
  3. Introduce new Leadership team
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Leadership & general meeting schedule
  6. Leadership team responsibilities for 2025
  7. 2025 tournament dates
  8. Fun league dates
  9. Meet-up format
  10. Classes for beginners
  11. New courts update
  12. Court usage for new courts
  13. New social events
  14. Member feedback

PickleBlast December 22nd

-Meetup Cancellations: The Wednesday Beginner's session will NOT be held on December 25th or January 1st.  Enjoy the Holidays!!!

  * Beginner's Meet up will resume on Wednesday, January 8th with Dody Garcia, Gail Kingham, Joe Pitts and Becky Munoz as facilitators. Thank you to these energetic volunteers!!

*The Tuesday Mixed Meetup WILL meet on the 24th, as usual. Thank you, Jerry Edelman!                                   

*Calling all Singles Players! If you're interested in playing full-court singles with a group of fellow members, please contact David Rubin at 

*Coming Soon!! "Pickleball Fundamentals" will take place in January for 5 consecutive days: January 20th-24th from 10:30-12:00.  A different skill will be covered each day. These sessions are geared toward beginner to intermediate players however, any interested member is welcome to attend & no need to enroll.  We highly recommend you attend all five sessions to get the maximum benefit & level up your game!   More details to follow in the days ahead.

  **Check out our Pickleball display case in front of the lower courts! We'll be posting announcements and events there, for everyone to see. Please stop by periodically so you can stay "in the know" :)

See you on the courts!!!!

PickleBlast December 10th

Club Fair: Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello at our Pickleball booth last Saturday!

We had lots of membership renewals as well as several brand new folks who will be joining us!!

Due to the large number of NEW members, there will be an additional New Player Orientation this Saturday, December 14th at 11am. Thank you, Larry Strumwasser for volunteering to facilitate this!  *Players should meet under the canopy in front of the lower courts.

Want to play full-court singles?? The new singles players group is up and running! They meet on Thursdays at 10am.  Anyone who is interested is welcome to come out and join in!  For more information contact David Rubin at  

Holiday Party!!  The Big Event is this Friday, December 13th!! Doors open at 4:15. Dinner is served at 5:00.

Bring your dancing shoes and be ready to hear some great music provided by The Randy Anderson Band!!

We look forward to celebrating with all our members. Happy Holidays!!


Calling All Singles Players!!

Pickleball member David Rubin is looking for other players who want to play full-court singles!

Maybe you've only ever played doubles and would like to give singles a try. It's a sure way to get in your 10,000 daily step goal!!

If you are interesting in meeting up weekly with this group, please contact David directly at:

Thank you!!

2025 Board Election Results

Our results from the election are in….

2025 SCA Pickleball board is:

Abe Hasbun……….President
Bob Wendling ……..Vice President 
Melissa Laughin……..Treasurer
Jennifer Carlson…….Secretary 
Cyndy Crossman ….…At Large
Joan  Moore………..…..At Large
Stefanie Newmark……At Large

We want to thank all members who put their names on the slate 
and all who voted. 

Election committee 
Garth Glassburg
Mari Ikeda 
Larry Strumwasser 

PickleBlast November 6th

*The Intermediate Fun League finished it's 5th week today. Thank you to all participants and volunteers!

And the winners are......

Low Intermediate: Gold-David Rubin & Mary Ellen Brunaugh   Silver-Bosco Wang & Janice Preece

High Intermediate:  Gold-Jeff Smith & Debbie West   Silver-Steven Engelberg & Roxane Rusch

*The Advanced division will finish their matches on Monday November 11th

*The Mixed Doubles Tournament will take place on Saturday November 9th at 10:00. You are invited to come watch and cheer on all the teams!  Good luck players.