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PickleBlast March 24th

Hello Members,

We've got a lot of events coming up so mark your calendars!

The Spring Fun League will have its last session on Monday, March 31st. Lunch will be served following play, at 12:30.

*Top two teams will advance to Playoffs (date TBA)


*USO Charity Round Robin: Saturday March 26th 10:30  Pizza will be served following play (Thank you for your participation and donations!!)

*Leadership Meeting: Monday April 7th  9AM  (Liberty Center)

*New Player Orientation: Monday April 7th 11:00 (meet under canopy by courts 1-4)

*Meet-up Time Change: Monday April 7th (3:45-5:30)

*Beginners Clinic: Saturday April 12th 11:00

*General Meeting: Monday April 14th 5pm (Independence Center Nelson-Morris room)

*Women's Doubles Tournament: Mid April (exact date TBA)

Happy Spring!!!