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Charity - Three Square Food Bank and Member Appreciation Day

Charity - Three Square Food Bank and Member Appreciation Day

Charity Event for Three Square Food Bank.   $10 per player.  Registration form located at bottom of page.

Players will be placed in like-skill groups.  Partners will be a blind draw and you will play all games as a team.  We will have a 50/50 raffle drawing to raise funds for the Three Square Food Bank and will also have Pickleball Raffle Baskets - so bring some cash.  All skill levels welcome!

When court play is completed, we will have a Member Appreciation Celebration.

While we will be accepting non-perishable food items, we would prefer monetary donations as these donations will be matched by community sponsorships resulting in more assistance for the fight against hunger.  Checks can be made payable to Three Square Food Bank which is a 501(c)3 public charity.

This is our last event of the year - so bring all your fun and let's help the fight against hunger!!!

Registration form (click here)


Actions Session Date Registration Capacity Staff
Member Closed
Attendee: 50 of 55
Coordinator: 1 (Full)
Pam Leslie