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Scramble for Ukraine Fundraiser Cts 1-8

Scramble for Ukraine Fundraiser Cts 1-8

Monday, April 4th - 11:30a - 2p  Registration is open!

Scramble for Ukraine Fundraiser will be a Round Robin for all skill levels.  Each player will receive a number and we will do a fun Round Robin with 12 minute timed games.  All players are requested to dress in Yellow / Blue in support of the Ukrainian citizens.  Entry fee will be $10 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Chef Jose Andres World Central Kitchen.  This organization provides meals in response to humanitarian crisis. 

This will be a potluck event - please bring a dish to share with your fellow Pickleballers.  There will also be a donation jar available if you would like to contribute. Each paid player will receive a raffle ticket for a chance at some prizes.

You will enroll on the club's website and either drop your registration fee in the club's mailbox (write your full name and "Ukraine" on envelope) or you can pay at the event.

Food is a universal human right......we would love for you to participate to support the relief efforts for the Ukrainian people!

Actions Session Date Registration Capacity Staff
Member Closed
Attendee: 60 (0 Waiting)
Coordinator: 1 (Full)
Pam Leslie